Animal Protection Denmark is a non-profit association founded in 1875 and financed mainly by private funds. Our work includes rescue and care for animals at local level across Denmark, divided into 13 districts. Here, our direct animal welfare work is managed by volunteer District Chairmen. In each district a number of volunteer Circle Chairmen and Assistants are also assigned to the animal rescue service.

In addition, the association currently has around 170 employed staff. However, a large network of volunteers working across the country has always been a central part of our DNA.





Britta Riis


Chairman: Per Jensen
Vice Chairman: Anne Marie Pilegaard

  • Arne Stevns Sørensen
  • Bent Hindrup Andersen
  • Birgitte Heje Larsen
  • Ebbe Milter Jensen
  • Hans Jørn Frisk
  • Jørn Neerup Rørvang
  • Leila Andersen
  • Lene Lindholm Christiansen
  • Olav Wulff 
  • Poul-Erik Jørgensen
  • Susanne Kjeldal Jensen
  • Tobias Holm
  • Torben Pihl


A large part of Animal Protection Denmark’s animal rescue work is carried out by volunteers:

Circle Chairmen

The association has a nationwide network of approximately 180 volunteer Circle Chairmen, who on a daily basis handle both animal welfare and animal rescue cases, which they primarily receive through our 24/7 call centre.

Animal Rescuers

A key part of the association's animal rescue work is carried out by volunteer animal rescuers. They either help the animals on site or they take suffering wild animals to a wildlife care station or a veterinarian.

Wildlife Carers

Wildlife carers are based at a wildlife care station where they care for distressed wild animals until they can be released into the wild. The most frequent guests at our care stations are birds, hedgehogs and squirrels.

Cooperation with Veterinarians

Animal Protection Denmark employs four veterinarians who assist the volunteer Circle Chairmen in animal welfare cases. The veterinarians help assess the animals, talk to owners and contact the authorities if a good solution cannot be reached with the owner.

In addition, Animal Protection Denmark cooperates with practising veterinarians all over the country in order to ensure prompt and competent assistance for suffering animals nationwide. When an abandoned pet or wild animal becomes sick, injured or otherwise suffers, Animal Protection Denmark ensures prompt and effective assistance.

Helping Homeless People's Dogs

Animal Protection Denmark, together with Vets for the Homeless, helps the pet dogs belonging to homeless people in Copenhagen by providing veterinary assistance for both regular health checks and emergency cases. Further, the dogs are pampered with a delicious Christmas present, a cover, collars, blankets and other useful products donated by benevolent sponsors




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